Friday, October 1, 2010

Hanks’ 8848 Module 2 Blog Assignment

Enhances: What does this technology do that is new?

Smartboards are interactive whiteboards that are excellent at allowing users to organize lessons and save them as presentations that are motivational. Links allow users to place the presentations right on lesson plans for easy retrievals. Other features help keep users entertained and allows for collaborating with one another. With the now available smart tablet, there is ample range instead of confinement to a desk. Smartboards provide that can be utilized at home and completed from a laptop or desktop. Smartboards keep up with the societal demands. It is an easy installation and continually upgrades as more innovations are found.

Obsoletes: What does this technology replace?

Smartboards replace inexpensive software such as the overhead that required no computer. They did require other material such as transparencies, markers, and bulbs. The bulb continually needed replaced. Overheads were messy both with the material such as cloths to clean them as well as getting all over the users’ hands.

Retrieves: What does this technology bring to mind from the past?

A Smartboard may be thought of as a blackboard that requires no chalk, but has a marker (chalk) and eraser. The blackboard eraser gets dirty, dusty, and has to be dusted often, but the Smartboard does not. It also reminds one of the slate that was once written on by the old school classroom students.

Reverses: What might replace this technology in the future, or what might it cause to occur?

In the future, Smartboards will be replaced by holographic 3-D images. These will allow students to apply concepts into real models.


Home Smart Technology. (2010).

Business Data Communications. (2010). Technology trends in the classroom: The digital white board.

infacom. (2010). Interactive whiteboards.


  1. I see we had some of the same ideas. The holodeck will change everything. I hope I am here to see it. Probably the communal elements that are promoted by the smart boards will also be part of holography.

  2. Maybe it is because of our background experiences. I was thinking about that class where we read about slates and made a timeline. With the holographs, I was thinking about that article I read about teleportation. Deb :)

  3. Hi Debra,
    I also talked about the interactive whiteboard taking over the overhead projector. I remember in grade school when my teacher would have to move our desks in order to situate the overhead so that we could all see. With the interactive whiteboard, students can usually see from their original locations. I like the interactive whiteboard as well as the Notebook software that comes with it. There's so much that teachers can use from the Notebook software that's already made. All we have to do it input our information.

  4. Debra,

    The ability to save presentations is a definite plus when it comes to Smart Board technologies! With traditional chalkboards or dry erase boards there was always the struggle to either transfer the information to a poster or sacrifice the board space until the information was no longer needed. Even with transparencies for the overhead projector there was the chance that the information could be erased or illegible if it were written with dry erase makers.
