Friday, April 30, 2010

My Responses

On April 30, 2010 I responded to:

Laurie Korte

Cynthia Skelton

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Engaging Learners with New Strategies and Tools

Outside the classroom it is imperative that we build content knowledge by using the course resources, such as articles, texts, vodcasts, blogs and wikis. These lead to engaging the learner in authentic collaboration with peers and the instructor, and provide a knowledge base for the problem tasks in the online environment. The technological tools and strategies help make the learning authentic, productive, and worthwhile.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Citing Kindle:
After discussing the Kindle, I found an interesting way to find page numbers. It is at Amazon books. You click on the sample book and "search inside" will appear. You then type in part of the quote that you want to cite. It will go to the page in the book, giving you the page number. Very easy-for quotes. If you are just paraphrasing, then you don't even need the page.

Monday, April 19, 2010

As of: Apr.18 and Apr. 19, 2010 I responded to the storyboard for:

Nadine Petrie-Waymyers


Brandon (Brandy) Lutz’ s storyboard
Blog URL is:

Saturday, April 17, 2010

For Module 3 blog, I responded to:

Nadine Petrie-Waymyers
My Blog:

Karen Wondergem
Blog Link:

Robert Hopkins
Blog Link:

Debra Hanks

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Module Three Assignments

Both the storyboard and blog for Module 3 for Moller and EDUC 8842 are posted. Please read them and give me you feedback for the storyboard here and the other blog post assignment after that blog. Thanks, Deb :)
Distance Education and Online Collaboration
According to Siemens’s vodcast “Assessment of Online Learning,” face-to-face (F2F) assessments are now basically on the knowledge level; however, it is shifting to the participatory model of assessing due to the influence of distance learning (DE). Assessment becomes more collaborative in nature as online learning becomes more prevalent. Students, community, and instructor (based on participation or projects) assess peers in online community. In this way, assessment is becoming more authentic. Assessment is teaching. This shows "fair and equitable assessment" of learning because it can show student growth, amounts of participation, and is based on authentic contexts.

George Siemens in his vodcast “Learning Communities” stated that schools in K-12 provide singular individualist model of learning in a F2F environment. Society is a learning community where people work together. Individuals need online experience with working in a system. Trust and cooperation and novel type interaction-externally, so ideas will be creative and fresh.

Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2005, pp.31-38) stated that it is necessary to anticipate problems, such as conflicts and technical difficulty and address them early by offering suggestions or support. The role the instructor plays is crucial; they serve as a guide, set the stage for collaboration, provide resources and links, and make sure the workload is manageable. The role the instructor plays impacts the assessment plan because they have to set the parameters for the assignments and assessment. Since the assessment would be collaborative in many instances, instructors have to participate in the discussions, encourage others to think using provocative questioning, and be open for cultural differences. If a student does not want to network or collaborate in a learning community for an online course, members of the learning community can e-mail the member by private email, call them in case of technical problems, and

Researching other blogs online, I found a blog from Indiana University (2010) that contained information on “world guidance on how to implement team-based projects, troubleshoot them, and promote their success” with a 32 page report attached to the suggested blog.


Indiana University. (2010, March 9). Student collaboration in the online classroom [Web log message]. Retrieved from

Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2005). Collaborating online: Learning together in community. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Siemens, G. (n.d.). Learning communities. [Vodcast], Retrieved from

Siemens, G. (n.d.). Assessment of online learning. [Vodcast], Retrieved from

Saturday, April 3, 2010

On April 3, 2010, I responded to Module 2 posts:
Kellie Scott at and
Steven Raymond at
Deb :)